
Showing posts from December, 2017

MM3 Review

After following up with Michigan State University students in an exclusive video , we've learned that some students are already preparing for the future. Jake Templin pointed out how important it is for college students to think past getting a job post-college and preparing for that lifestyle now, thus inspiring him to start a  Roth IRA . Isaiah Johns, an MSU Freshman described how he likes to make his money by doing online work. He describes online work as selling his  MSU Basketball tickets  and blogging. He says that he believes it's important for students to have money in their pocket now pocket now because students don't know what the future may hold for them. It's obvious that students are starting to get a hold on not only the importance of budgeting but how to do it properly.

MM3 Preview

In the most  recent article released on student budgeting,  Michigan State University students gave their takes on how they manage their funds. Both students and experts shared their opinions on why some college students may struggle with the problem. Jeremy Reece, a sophomore at MSU, mentioned how he used to have a " side hustle " before college but doesn't see it is crucial now. Whereas Robby Zink, another MSU Sophomore, talked about how his perception of the value of money has changed. It certainly seems that the struggles that can come along with managing your funds while in college, has gotten these students to think critically about spending, saving, and earning money. This exclusive video gives insight into how other students are feeling about the same topic.

Out of Class Story 3 (Student Budgeting)

Ask college students and they’ll probably tell you that budgeting is difficult. Students and professors at Michigan State University proved to be no exception. When budgeting, students say it takes a plan. Student budgeting is something that’s very important in college. With the abundance of things to spend money on in college that weren’t necessarily available in high school, combined with the sense of independence that students may feel, saving money can be a challenge. MSU students and professors mentioned what the main factors are the common problem. Jeremy Reece, a sophomore at MSU, talks about how he sometimes struggles with his budget at school. He mentions “unknown expenses” and payments that are “small but frequent.”                  “It’s very difficult… you have to account for food and a bunch of other consumables. There are other things that don’t cost a lot of money but the payments...